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Best Online Payment Solutions for Businesses Looking to go Digital

The Covid-19 pandemic saw one of the greatest challenges to businesses arise out of the past decade, as owners scrambled to find a way to reduce costs, maintain operational structures, and centralize assets to better stabilize their financial portfolios.

With face-to-face interactions quickly becoming moot, online payment services to keep product interactions and maintain customer rapport were sought in droves, as a necessary measure to keep businesses afloat in a world kept apart.

Although accelerating out of these circumstances back toward more familiar business practices rooted in physical and manual bases, the paradigm of digital transactions has all but changed the game. From making all corners of your cash flow easier to handle, to clarifying payment services more hygienic to good user experience,  it’s paramount now that business models, old or new, exist in digital services as well as traditional ones.

Here are some of the best online payment systems we can offer at PayChoice that you can add to your financial stack:


Direct Debit Payments

At its most fundamental, direct debit services allow clients to automate payments from one bank account to another. Customers are able to authorize a service provider to directly withdraw a specified amount from the payer’s funds, removing the physical involvement of the transaction entirely.

With the standardisation of social distancing and contactless payments as best practices in the post-pandemic climate, new varieties of fintech applications have since seen a parallel boom to better facilitate their implementation. Employing direct debit services is a baseline accessory to payment methods, particularly since the adoption of cost-effective and time managing tools have stuck to the standard of business models following the logistical reorganisation and lull that accompanied Covid. Direct debit payments make sure that:

  • Payments are regularly made

  • There are fewer administrative headaches

  • Costs that you agree with paying are spread out over a longer period of time

  • Workflow and time are made much more efficient

Online Payment Solutions for Businesses

Ecommerce Payment Gateways

Digital transformations have since become the new normal for businesses entering the globalised market. From lockdowns and quarantines to business owners simply looking to expand their potential customer base, the need to establish online spaces to sell your product has become a logistical necessity to maximise the reach of their services.

Because of this, making sure that your ecommerce functions are technically sound is a primary concern for any business - your capacity to reliably sell online and allow customers to enter the transactions they need is the entry point to smoother customer experience, sound technical site structure, and a clean integration of offline brand strength to online.

An ecommerce payment gateway, as a payment processor, ties these features together, while serving as the operational backbone of your online business.


BPAY Payments

Just as essential, BPAY offers another means for consumers to pay using their chosen online banking platform. Along the same vein of businesses meeting the demands of their audience in digital spaces now, BPAY goes a step further by making the user experience convenient, localising transactions in one place. Just like direct debit, BPAY payments can also be designed to make scheduled payments from a nominated account over a set time, making it a multifunctional and flexible alternative payment method.


For financial transformations into online platforms, you can find all these tools at PayChoice! Reach out for more information on each of these services, and set up your payment services to be more organised than ever.